Personal Injury
Click To Call A Lawyer Now!Our over forty (40) years experience equips us to pursue justice and assure that the parties responsible fully compensate you for your injuries, medical bills and loss of earning capacity.
Some of the personal injury cases that we focus on include:
Car Accident Injuries
If you have been the victim of a motor vehicle accident you will undoubtedly be dealing with a variety of issues including medical expenses, possible loss wages and injuries requiring medical treatment. These issues can be quite complicated by insurance companies, medical providers and employers.
We stand ready to help you resolve these issues in order that you can receive the maximum compensation you deserve.
Truck Accident Injuries
With more trucks on the road than any time in our past these types of collisions with other motor vehicles can be quite catastrophic. Due to federal and state trucking regulations these type of accidents can be more complex than regular car accidents due to the parties involved, regulations and insurance companies.
If you have experienced this type of accident call us to discuss your matter.

Premises Liability Injuries
Thousands of people in our area are injured annually on someone else’s property due to unsafe conditions. These accidents include slip and falls on ice and snow, trip and falls on defective sidewalks, swimming pool injuries and even dog attack cases. Our firm has years of experience in handling these types of claims on a successful basis for our clients.
Product Liability Injuries
When you buy or use a product the law says you have the right to an expectation that the product is safe for its intended use by you. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and many times product designers, manufacturers or sellers are responsible if you or someone in your family has been injured by the use of an unsafe product. We stand ready to help you recover damages you deserve in the event of such a failure.
Medical Malpractice
Medical professionals are trained and licensed to heal the sick and those in need of medical care. Unfortunately, sometimes medical providers are careless and negligent and do not take the time to provide you with competent, safe and professional medical care.
When there is a failure to provide the accepted standard of care, medical malpractice can occur. If you or a loved one been injured as a result of improper medical treatment, simply wrong medical care and/or diagnosis or inadequate nursing care, we will be there to investigate and determine the cause of the negligence in order for you to be fairly compensated.
Catastrophic Injuries
Unfortunately, some accidents result in injuries for which there is no recovery such as brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations, loss of sight or other disabling injuries. Our firm has extensive experience in successfully handling these complex cases and will be able to do so on your behalf.
Personal Injury Damages You Will Collect:
There are various claims that can be presented in personal injuries on behalf of our clients. These depend on the severity of the injury as well as the losses that result
Generally, the area of damages you may be able to collect in a personal injury claim include as follows:
- Property Damage. If you lost property in the accident such
as your vehicle, damage to your home or other types of property. - Medical Expenses. This includes the cost of medical care resulting from your injury that are not covered by health insurance or cost of deductible/co-payments you may be required to pay as well as projected future medical expenses which must be addressed prior to resolution of the case.
- Lost Time From Work Due To Injury.
You may also have sustained injuries that prevent you from returning to your normal job for a period of time or due to a permanent impairment.
- Pain and Suffering: When you are injured in any type of accident that is the fault of someone else you are entitled to recover compensation for physical pain, mental anguish, diminished quality of life and loss of consortium due to the impact of the accident and injuries had on your marriage.
It is our firm’s intent to obtain for our clients the maximum recovery by way of settlement, suit, mediation and/or arbitration. Insurance companies are like any other companies and operate for a profit.
It is often that insurance companies attempt to battle in order to avoid paying what is fair. We stand ready to take your case to trial if the insurance companies are not willing to negotiate in good faith to assure that you are adequately and fairly compensated for your losses.

It is quite common in injury cases that at a certain point prior to suit or trial following suit, the insurance company will attempt to make an offer and settle the claim. Often the offer is made so that the insurance company can save money and avoid the time and cost of litigation, however, at the same time the insurance company is not interested in assuring that you are fully and adequately compensated for your loss.
This is where an experienced personal injury attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. It is our firm’s belief that if the offer the insurance company makes does not represent the full value of your claim based upon the facts and circumstances of your particular matter we institute suit.
It is not our belief that settling your case for less than fair value fulfills our responsibility to you. It is for that reason that our reputation with insurance companies is that if we cannot achieve a fair settlement without suit then we will simply go to court to obtain the result you deserve.
With insurance companies understanding how our firm represents clients it is often that they are more cooperative to amicably resolve the matter when they know that if they do not act in good faith we will take your case to trial.